Monday, May 2, 2011

The Yellowjacket

Third Raygun folks. This one I call The Yellowjacket for obvious reasons. If you can't figure it out ask a friend. This is the second one I made using the two paint guns so they are similar but pretty different.


The little added bits are from all around. Another spring from a sprinkler is on the front and I placed a burned out headlight from my car for some added coolness.


Another pic of my beefy hand that just happens to have a Raygun in it.


I added the grime myself with some acrylic paints. I generally mix some black and brown to dry brush around the spots that have deep grooves. I let that dry about halfway and dab it with a paper towel.

For the harder to reach areas I add some water to the brush to make a wash and sortof just get that dirty paint water all in there. When it dries, it sets all that grimy stuff in place and there you go.

I learned some of the weathering techniques from my wife and some from Volpin's blog (  Check it out he has some great stuff.

Until next time!

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